"Traveling, I am finding, teaches you a lot of things about yourself. For instance, I never thought myself to be the kind of person who pees into a mostly empty bottle of Bluefin energy drink while driving through South Carlifornia at seventy-seven miles per hour- but in fact I am kind of that person. Also, I nerver perviously knew that if you mix a lot of pee with a little of Bluefin energy drink, the result is this amazing incandescent turquoise color." ( S. 261)

"People are different when you can smell them and see them up close, you know?" (S. 267)

"A paper town for a paper girl", she says. "Agloe is a place where a paper creation became real. A dot on the map became a real place, more than the people created the dot could ever have imagined. I thought maybe the paper cutout of a girl could start becoming real here also." (S. 293)

“Maybe its like you said before, all of us being cracked open. Like each of us starts out as a watertight vessel. And then things happen - these people leave us, or don’t love us, or don’t get us, or we don’t get them, and we lose and fail and hurt one another. And the vessel starts to crack in places.
And I mean, yeah once the vessel cracks open, the end becomes inevitable. But there is all this time between when the cracks start to open up and when we finally fall apart.
And its only that time that we see one another, because we see out of ourselves through our cracks and into others through theirs. When did we see each other face to face?
Not until you saw into my cracks and I saw into yours. Before that we were just looking at ideas of each other, like looking at your window shade, but never seeing inside. But once the vessel cracks, the light can get in. The light can get out.” (S. 302)

Wenn ich das Buch nochmal lese, dann makiere ich all die tollen Stellen darin. Auch wenn ich eigentlich nicht in Büchern herum male. Die Stellen sind zu gut, um es nicht zu tun.

//Kann ich jemanden umbringen, weil er schlechten Unterricht macht?
//Kann ich jemanden verhaften weil er mir das Wochenende versaut hat?


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c17h19no3 am 11.Okt 15, 17:17  | Permalink
das klingt wunderbar. ich muss ja immer was finden, was mich wirklich kickt, weil ich sonst keine englischen bücher lesen würde. und mein englisch noch weiter den bach runtergeht.
blue_rose am 12.Okt 15, 15:34  | Permalink
Ouh, langweilige englische Bücher sind aber auch Mist. Wenn du dich entschließen solltest, es zu kaufen, dann gefällt es dir hoffentlich auch :)
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